29th MARCH 2022


Do you have an injury that's been keeping you off the golf course?

Or pain that is impeding your performance?

I want to work with you to help you understand your body better, to improve your overall performance.

I will use a structured assessment approach to identify your problems and we will then create a plan to get you back on the golf course as soon as possible.

My name is George and I am a local physiotherapist.

I have over 5 years of experience working in various clinical settings, including the National Health Service, football and rugby clubs and private practice. I love working with clients to help them recover from their injuries and help maximise their performance.

If you feel you have a problem with your mobility and it is impeding your swing, I also offer a screening assessment to check your swing and identify your key areas of weakness or limitation that maybe holding your performance back. After identifying those limitations, we can create an exercise plan and use various different treatment techniques to improve your swing. By sticking to this plan you'll see a huge improvement in your golf swing.

I will be based in the swing room at the CRGC .

All members can receive a free initial consultation and then a£5 discount on any appointments after this. To book, see my contact details below.

Find a video link to a dynamic warm up you can do before your round.

Warm ups are an essential part of your game. A good dynamic warmup can help reduce your injury risk and can help improve your performance by prepping your body for your round of golf.

I will release more videos in the coming weeks with other simple exercises you can do to help improve your performance.

To book your appointment, text or call 07447438867.

Or Email me

Hopefully, I will see you in clinic soon.

Many thanks,


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